Regulatory Services
Product Regulatory Services
We have the experience and expertise that enable us to assist clients in compiling product dossiers to support applications for registration as required under the Farm Feeds, Fertilizers, Agricultural Remedies & Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947.
Registration Holder Service
We offer a service to non-resident and offshore based clients to act as their authorised representative as a Holder of product registrations on behalf of the client. For those clients who do not have a registered office or legal representative based in South Africa, who wish to obtain registration of their products, we can provide a service to hold product registrations on their behalf. This service also includes a maintenance and product registration renewal function.
We do not, however, involve ourselves in the marketing or sales of client products, which can be undertaken by independent distributor organisations.
All agricultural agrochemicals to be marketed & commercialized in South Africa need to be registered for use under the Farm Feeds, Fertilizers, Agricultural Remedies & Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947.
The full list of requirements for the registration of an Agricultural remedy are contained in the relevant documents obtainable from the NationalDept of Agriculture website (ie Application Form 29225, List 1; List II etc..).
The current minimum requirements pertaining to registrations are summarised as follows: